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Help Updating our Sales Strategy

We were looking for help updating our sales strategy and Fluent Sales more than delivered.

They started by:

  • optimizing our sales team, 
  • creating the position of head of sales, and
  • assisting in the hiring for that position.

They guided the development of winning sales strategies and tactics that focused not only on front line sales roles, but also included project management and the larger organization – including a better way to deal with transactional work.

They took the time to understand who we are as a company and gave us the boost we needed to quickly grow sales.

They helped us establish a more effective sales structure, streamlined our operations, and importantly, enabled executive management to focus on business strategy by dealing less with day-to-day issues.

We recommend Fluent Sales to any LSP looking at a more effective way to sell.

Carlos Hevia, Director of Business Developments, Multilingual Connections